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How to be a good ally


Listen to others needs

The best way to support a loved one is to listen to their needs. There is no magical formula to be a good ally--but this is a great place to start.


Pronouns are powerful

If someone asks you to use a specific set-- or multiple sets --of pronouns, try your best to use the right ones. Everyone makes mistakes, but know that some people intentionally use the wrong set of pronouns to hurt trans/gender-expansive individuals. If you mess up, simply apologize and move one. Also know that pronouns can be inconsequential to some people, which is totally fine as well!


Educate yourself and community

Want t ocombat homophobia and transphobia? Educate yourself! Learning more about the LGBTQ+ community can help all of us end our prejudices. Thanks to so many brave individuals, there are many resources on the Internet and in the Madison community to spread awareness about the LGBTQ+ community. 


Don't out individuals

Sharing someone's sexuality or gender without their consent, called "outing," can be extremely harmful. Sadly, we live in a homophobic and transphobic world and outing opens the door to that hate. Even if the person who would know the information is an ally or member of the LGBTQ+ community, outing strips that choice from an individual which takes away a part of their humanity. Please, ask if a person is out before sharing their gender or sexuality.

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